Renowned Sculptor Ira Chaffin is sought after for his life-like Portrait Sculptures which range in size from table top Statuettes to monumental heroic scale works of art which are craned by heavy equipment from flat bed trucks onto prepared pedestals. His works and commissions include sculptures for the National Park Service, the Smithsonian Institution, Major Universities, Churches, Museums, Broadway shows, Corporate Clients, and prominent families. His sculptures are commissioned to honor Donors, Philanthropists, major life events (weddings, baptisms, funerals), Historic Places, and also for general enjoyment.

Ira is also a Master Carver of Carousel Horses and Menagerie Animals, utilizing the timeliness wood carving techniques from the early 1900’s. Take one of his Carousel Carving Courses and discover your “inner child”.

Come into the Website and enjoy the creative world of Artist Ira Chaffin.